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- in area 1000mm+ for "g"-tolerances IT5, IT6, IT7, IT8 added


- Problem false detected revision symbol as measure mark solved

   # advanced logic for rechecking

- change path system to assets loader

   # easier for customers to maintain there patterns

- upgrade code for use in ST8 MP0 till MP2


- Check of filename is not explicit to exclusion K8-StringCov anymore

  # the special cases are now tolerate strings instead of numeric, this opens the

      possibility to use named files


- fixed Controlframes which gives wrong values in special cases

  # in case of „%CI%VB0,03“ the tolerance was set wrong to 1,50 mm instead of

     correctly 0,015 mm. With a new logic for choosing the right possibility, this

     should be solved.

  # solved the problem for this in multi-line controlframe too.


- angular dimension are now detected different

  # SolidEdge has a special case with "x+/-1"-tolerances to "x+/-a"-tolerances

     When "x+/-1" is set SolidEdge set the tolerance to degree, when "x+/-a" will set

     tolerances to millimetre.

  # Because of the special case IP2MK displayed before, the wrongly the radian

     measure. This is now fixed

- IP2MK will now display measurements with 3 digits (before 2)

- IP2MK will now set automatically tolerances on angular dimensions to degree


- solve problem which causes Crash on multi-line base dimensions in special


  # a new logic should be solve this problem. on that the wrong chosen digits

     are history with this too. The value is now multiple time checked and only the

     absolute right value will be used.


- Fixed some cases for "CRASH"-Error message

- fixed false placed (non-)check marks created checkline in protocol

  # they are now ignored

- Fixed zero-value in protocols with 0,05 at GPS-tolerances


- fixed false message "tolerances not in list" call

   # It happened sometimes that the message comes, by a false Memory value. i

      implemented a new logic that choose wiser than before.

- fixed overwritten measurement given false tolerance after ControlFrame-


   # I changed IP2MK value pool to a better structured one. now this should be

      fixed. now every values will be cleared every time and only the clean rows are


- fixed the bug with 2 overwritten measurements and the same check-symbole

   # the change of the pool, seems to have fixed this problem finally


- fixed crash on multiple base-dimension values

  # added a new check logic so IP2MK not crash when there is more than one

     measurement guided to the GPS-tolerance. Before there was only 1 possible.


- optimized round results

  # new logic for different round Settings. Now it should be more accurate on the

     choosing right values

- fixed the failure which causes IP2MK to sometimes not find the tolerance


  # seams the API delayed and then skipped measures this now should be fixes


- Optimized round results

  # IP2MK now uses the 6th decimal place for round operations. before it was the

     3rd. In Special cases it happens that the value was round in 0,10mm.

- Right values for measurements on sketch lines (draw in view)

  # User found out that a line in a sketch which is later got a measurement and than

     has a check-Symbol, SE API gives the wrong value. Now this value is checked

     and if necessary automated corrected.

- IP2MK now writes right values on overridden measurements

  # before IP2MK uses the origin values. users found this shouldn't be so.

- MS WORD now starts different (improve Speed)


- IP2MK now rounds at 8 Digits

  # It's a more secure way for the work of it. It was possible before that on a

     9999,999 value the API of SE send a number which got a wrong rounded value

     (0,1mm). This is now fixed.

- IP2MK has now a selfcheck-value for a better correction of round values

  # it was possible that the SE API sent 2 values which was displayed identical

     and in the API there was 2 different values. This sometimes causes a wrong

     displayed value in IP2MK. This should be fixed now

- IP2 MK now can detect GPS-tolerances

  # nevermind for the example Picture under this text. This was in the test version,

     the incorrect values don't happen with the released version

2015-09-28 +Bugfix 2015-09-29

- IP2MK checks tolerances before set the Parameters

  # In the SE API SolidEdge remembers the previous chosen values for the

     tolerances. IP2MK chooses the right tolerance according the cells, by check the

     measurement type and select than the right tolerance type for the user.

  # It seams that some users Switch the tolerance type often and found that it's a

     bug in IP2MK.

  # This change is only in the Background and not realy seeable for the user.

- Bugfix: DisplayType "2" was not right detected, this is now fixed


- IP2MK is now silent when started on 3D-Models

  # user found it anoying to close MS Word manualy, after started IP2MK

     accidentally on 3D-models. Before IP2MK started word and stands still so the

     failure can be seen. Now IP2MK Close itself and cleanup tasklist

  # The loading procedure is now, that SE API is started first. before Word and Excel

     was checked and reserved. This shouldn't make a lot of diffrent

- Bug in SolidEdge is in IP2MK now changed and the right values are Chosen

  # SolidEdge pics the measures within the first 8 decimal places. Shows only 7. An

     user found an issue so the measurement is choosen wrong because IP2MK

     readout the full Digits and work with them. SE rounds after the 8th.

  # IP2MK not cuts the measurments after 6th digit in the API (0,1234) and now

     only works with this value. so the measurement should always be right for the


  # i.e.: shown: 400 f7; option max. 0,1234567

     im detail: 400.00000001 f7 = -0,068/-0,131;  

                    400.00000000 f7 = -0,062/-0,119


- IP2MK no longer creates inspection protocols for drafts without marked measurments

- IP2MK has now some optimized taskkills, for cleaner Taskmanager

- Solved optimized customer propertys check logic which caused false filenames


- Solved angle measurments stopts creation of inspection protocol

   # user found out that his measurement on the angle stops IP2MK, so IP2MK

       stands still and not creats the inspection protocol. i checked this and found out

       the IP1, never had this Problem because it skipped the error and skipped the

       measurement. Seams no one ever had a Problem with this. i thought it should

       make this too, so i edited the code so it now creates lines with These

       measurements too


- solved false choosen tolerancen by limit measurements on gap

    # user found out that SolidEdge choose the lower tolerance, while IP2MK choose

       the upper tolerance. i checked the Standards it there it should choose (like SE)

       the lower tolerance. This Problem is fixes now

    # I.e.: 180 H7 ; SE 180+0,040/-0,000; IP2MK 180+0,046/-0,000


- solved +/- sign Problem by restructure

   # user found out that sometimes measrements are not in the inspection protocoll.

       By closer inspection i found out that SolidEdge-API sometimes sends the wrong

       sign when fusing upper and lower tolerances. now the Problem is solved with a

       new logic in program

2015-08-04 + 2015-08-18 &-19 (minor) Bugfix

- Error-message for tolerances which is not in list added

    # IP2MK fills tolerances with "0" (Zero) if the tolerance is out of range. useres

        wished an error-message which say when this happens.

- Tolerance table updated

    # F7 to F9 at 500-3150mm added

    # "e" & "E"-tolerance, complete according standard