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Simple Tool that helps you safe XLSX to HTM.

If you ever created a simple table based Homepages created with Excel for your company, you now the problems by saving them to HTM. This tool simplify the process to 1 click and do all the work for you

Technical Details

- Input-Format: XLSX @MS Excel 2010

- Output-Format: HTM

- Config-Files: Microsoft Texteditor

======== For Devs ========

- Verison: 0.01.00

- Developed in Microsoft VisualStudio2013

Working with it

- adjust config-file

   -> config file is in the same folder path as the EXE

- open wished XLSX

   -> Tool will only work, if the filename in the config is the same as the filename of

        the file itself

        -> prevent dataloss by excel close command

- start EXE

   -> XLSX saves automatic

   -> Deletes old HTM-File

        -> prevent MS-saveas-bug which locks file on HD

   -> change worksheet to "home"

- saves XLSX to HTM

   -> this version only supports HTM, other formats are possible

- if convert is successful, Excel will close automatic