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To get to the class informations click on the class symbols



The Pyromaniac

Destructive Rage, in flames adverted, controlled and devastating for there enemys 


The Necromancer

Everytime for springing a surprise.  At least someone

that can talk to dead people, curses around and

draws symbols on walls.




The Surgeon

Master of innards, incised wound and genitalamputationen. Hopefully you get to him, before the necromancer comes over you



The Pharmaceutist

stirrer and drugdealer


Range Damage



The Marksman

One Shot. One Hit. One Problem lesser.

Melee Damage



The Warrior 

brute force, muscles till the cow comes home. 



The Engineer

A real tinkerer. Makes self the biggest trash mountain to a stately fortress.




The Supplier

A farner, collects all what is needed to survive

Mixed Classes

Melee & Range Damage


The Special Unit

A hatchet man, if normal methods doesn't work, he is your man.