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Made with following programs:

- Solid-Model (Solid Edge V105 SR02)


STATUS:     Previous that was completly changed

(Logo from customer is removed in this uploads)


Detailed Information at Status 2011-08-30:

Texture: -

Animations: None

Working hours spended: 15,2h

     Layout: 1h

     Modelling: 14h 17m

      Animation (+bones): -

     Rendering: -

The conditions for this project was to build a very small hut for storage and parking slot of the tractor.The hut should be fully build from wood and the with a special product list from a single supplier.

According the problematic small place on which the hut should be build, it was not possible the make a good decision that was satisfying the customer. The most problem was the size that forced to an unadequate shape of the hut.the look of the hut, it was simple to high und to limited wide.

After a view layout we made a absolut new hut with greater base and better look. Some customers are only know there ideas are not the best after finishing a previous layout so they can take a look. (^_^)

A look on the second floor declares another problem to. if you want lift some heavy things to it, the place from the stairs to the wall is very limited. Maybe it can be reduced but the calculation of the stairs und the highed be stepping on it (vide dummy standing on stairs) are on limit. the customers suits a more confortable kind stair on the actual realised project and is satisfied about my work on the new hut.

The detailed bill of material was very necessary for this project. the whole project calculation came from the CAD and was nearly complete identical with the real numbers what the project had cost.

I decied the fully put all materials including screws, anchors,...etc in the CAD. A nice effect was that the discussion with the customer was more simplified than expected.