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The requirement of this tool was that the customer wants to print the theoretical time of an welding assembly on the drawing of it. this times are needed in his planning process and would have speed up thing a lot for him. I think it some sad that the budget of it was cancelled, this maybe would be a very useful to have a tool like this.

Technical Details

- CAD: SolidWorks 2015 (? not sure about exact version)

- CAD: SolidEdge ST4 (Secand try) 

- CFG-File for easy modification of paramters

======== For Devs ========

- Verison: -

- Developed in Microsoft VisuelStudio2013

- Works with DotNet 4.5 or higher

=======  Conformity  =======
- welding symbols acc. DIN EN ISO 2553

Theory of work

Part 1 is that every measurement must have a kind of special layout so that the program can find it and change, some companies use a kind of similar layout for their manuel calculations. It's not exact the standard, but its conform to it anyway as far as i know.

In this example D1674 stand for a circle, my program now use the arc length instead of the direct length. this stand not in the standard but the client could life with that. My program checks the ring for a welding around too, but it can happen that the welding has to be interruptions and then the direct length have to be given according standard, with this rule it always calculates the right length.

Part 2 are the calculation of the setup time. For this the bill of material on the drawing is rolled out and has to include the weight of the parts. with the weights a theoretical setup time will be calculated. I generated a table with values for this together with some experienced welders and on the tests we were always very close to the real needed time.

Working with it

- Open drawing

- start EXE

- tool is full automated and generates a list on the drawing