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(Canceled?) Projekt: Calculator Aftersale

Hi Folks,


I startet a view weeks ago a possible Project for an calculation tool which maybe can make the work VERY faster for users of any Service issues. This tool can easy be fed with datas and sort it together, makes mail, inquiries, tool lists,... everything you need for a clean work on Service.


Take a Look: <click me>


The customer confirmed me yesterday to database, but not the layout of the Interface and it's nearly sure that he don't want the userinterface, in other words my Programm. The customer wish that his internal man, should built the (possible) functions of my programm in there own programms. So i uploaded the Interface demo for this tool here. Maybe some of you have any interesst on this and we can make a deal for it. i'll be some sad about his decision


Yours, Lord Noc